To be honest saya tak penah join mana give away before...
yang ini baru tahu drpd Sepatu Merah...
and today is the last day for the contest..well, better late than never..
.hopefully bleh menang...who knows kan..
- 1/2 meter of blue-heart Grossgrain ribbon
- 1/2 meter of pink-heart Satin ribbon
- a dozen of oval cream buttons
- a pack of sweet buttons
- 5 pairs of colourful glitter hairclips
- 1 crocheted flower Brooch
- 1 wooden butterfly HP Straps (Psst..100% Handmade from Jogja-we are prime distributor for Sabah region)
- 1 small butterfly wooden pin (Psst..100% Handmade from Jogja-we are prime distributor for Sabah region)
- Felted cupcake
sangat menitiskan air liur!!!
very super duper cutest..
tarikh tutp is TODAY 25/03/2010
just go to NurelL's blog ok....
harap2 dapat le hadiah2 tu....
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